Book Challenging and Banning

To continue what we’ve talked and written about recently, we’re going to look at the statistics for book banning and challenging.

According to the American Library Association (ALA), a challenge is an attempt to remove or restrict materials, based upon the objections of a person or group. A banning is the removal of those materials. Challenges do not simply involve a person expressing a point of view; rather, they are an attempt to remove material from the curriculum or library, thereby restricting the access of others.

Here are some infographics, links, and lists I’d like you to read through:








2021 Data

Finally, I’d like you to take a look at these infographics and charts:

2019 info



This is the 2020 data

2021 info

2021 info

2020 info



2021 info


2022 data



You can look at these links for 2016-2018, but don’t have to.


2018 top ten books




Top 100 2010-2019

Most Frequently Challenged Authors of the 21st Century

Timeline of banned and challenged books for the last 30 years.


As a comment to this post, make three inferences from the different infographics and charts you’ve been given.  Remember, an inference is something that you can claim/state based on the evidence you are looking at.  Make sure to explain where your inference comes from (what piece of data/information).

Ex: Based on the challenges by institution graph, people are mostly concerned with books when they are easily accessible for children.  The largest numbers of challenges between 1990 and 2009 were in schools/libraries.

**A great way to start could be to compare the data from different years to see what can be inferred based on changes.

During class on Thursday we will read through this and post our inferences. We will then discuss all of our thoughts as a whole group to prepare us for our ACT Writing Practice.

Blog Post Prompt 2/1

What do you think is the most important aspect (part) of Zits’ character? What defines him the most?  Do you feel he is an accurate depiction of a teen? Why? (That why applies to all questions…support your opinions with details!)

Welcome Back to English and First Post Directions


Our first blog post this semester is going to be about writing (this is English, as you know).

On the blog you just updated or created, you are going to answer these questions (they are also up on the smartboard if you are in the classroom):

  • Why do we write?
  • What are all of the different reasons that different people write? List as many as you can here.
  • What are different purposes people may have when it comes to writing?
  • What are different goals people may have when it comes to writing?

When you have answered these questions (thoughtfully, in complete sentences, without rushing, making sure that your blog post has a title, and in three separate paragraphs), you can either continue exploring blog options (picking themes, adjusting things, etc), or you can find an independent book for reading/continue reading your book.


Remember, if you missed class, this is the link you go to to find the daily agenda

Inferences from Infographics (Banned and Challenged Books)

To continue what we’ve talked and written about recently, we’re going to look at the statistics for book banning and challenging.

According to the American Library Association (ALA), a challenge is an attempt to remove or restrict materials, based upon the objections of a person or group. A banning is the removal of those materials. Challenges do not simply involve a person expressing a point of view; rather, they are an attempt to remove material from the curriculum or library, thereby restricting the access of others.

Here are some infographics and lists I’d like you to read through:





2018 top ten books



Top 100 2010-2019

Most Frequently Challenged Authors of the 21st Century

Now take a look through this timeline of banned and challenged books for the last 30 years.


Finally, I’d like you to take a look at these infographics and charts:

2019 info



This is the 2020 data

2021 info

2021 info

2020 info



2021 info

As a comment to this post, make three inferences from the different infographics and charts you’ve been given.  Remember, an inference is something that you can claim/state based on the evidence you are looking at.  Make sure to explain where your inference comes from (what piece of data/information).

Ex: Based on the challenges by institution graph, people are mostly concerned with books when they are easily accessible for children.  The largest numbers of challenges between 1990 and 2009 were in schools/libraries.

**A great way to start could be to compare the data from different years to see what can be inferred based on changes.

During class on Thursday we will finish reading through this and posting our inferences. We will then discuss all of our thoughts as a whole group to prepare us for our ACT Writing Practice.

Blog Post 9/27

Write your thoughts on the following questions as a post on your blog:

How many books that have been challenged in the past do you think you’ve read?

What are the top reasons that books are challenged (in general)?

What are issues in Flight that are issues to teens today?

What in Zits’ life has made him a controversial person? Are those things filled with controversy?

**According to the American Library Association (ALA), a challenge is an attempt to remove or restrict materials, based upon the objections of a person or group. A banning is the removal of those materials. Challenges do not simply involve a person expressing a point of view; rather, they are an attempt to remove material from the curriculum or library, thereby restricting the access of others.

Teens Today and Zits from Flight


Teenage boy looking at cell phone

Zits doesn’t use a cell phone for getting attention, but many today do use social media

“Why young brains are especially vulnerable to social media”

Evidence: “Starting around age 10, children’s brains undergo a fundamental shift that spurs them to seek social rewards, including attention and approval from their peers.”

Zits is very similar to teens as they all experience this shift in their brains pushing them to seek attention from their peers. Zits may do it in a more negative way than other teens, but the chemistry of the brain makes all teens similar in this way. This article continues to connect to Zits as it talks of teens being “extra sensitive to attention and admiration from others” as Zits is when it comes to Justice.


TOPIC 2 SIMILARITY (Image, title linked to source, evidence from source, explanation of how Zits is similar to that evidence)

TOPIC 3 SIMILARITY (Image, title linked to source, evidence from source, explanation of how Zits is similar to that evidence)


TOPIC 1 DIFFERENCE (Image, title linked to source, evidence from source, explanation of how Zits is different from that evidence)

TOPIC 2 DIFFERENCE (Image, title linked to source, evidence from source, explanation of how Zits is different from that evidence)

TOPIC 3 DIFFERENCE (Image, title linked to source, evidence from source, explanation of how Zits is different from that evidence)

Theme in Flight 9-12

How have the past three situations in the book (the Indians after the Battle of Little Big Horn (ch 9), the attack of the settlers (pg 85-87), and the attack of the Indian camp (ch 11-12)) been similar?

Create a bulleted list of all the ways they are alike with person/people next to you; start your post with that


Pick a big idea from violence/revenge/victim/etc (list on whiteboard), pick three pieces of evidence for it (with page #s) then explain what MESSAGE about the idea all of the pieces of evidence are showing.

          • Post Title: Theme Chapters 9-12
          • In the text: 
            • Theme (BIG IDEA + MESSAGE = THEME)
            • One piece of evidence from ch 9
            • EXPLANATION
            • One piece of evidence from ch 10
            • EXPLANATION
            • One piece of evidence from ch 11-12
            • EXPLANATION
          • OR you can just explain them all after you list your last quote

Welcome Back and Our First Post


Our first blog post this semester is going to be about writing (this is English, you know).

On the blog you just updated or created, you are going to answer these questions (they are also up on the smartboard if you are in the classroom):

Why do we write?

What are all of the different reasons that different people write? List as many as you can here.

What are different purposes people may have when it comes to writing?

What are different goals people may have when it comes to writing?

When you have answered these questions (thoughtfully, in complete sentences, without rushing, making sure that your blog post has a title), you can either continue exploring blog options (picking themes, adjusting things, etc), or you can find an independent book for reading/continue reading your book.


Remember, if you missed class, this is the link you go to to find the daily agenda